
Stories, perspectives, interviews, and investigations in digital humanities.

Powering Up Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion for Old Chinese

8 September 2021

Alan Ding ’22, NLP+Humanities Fellow at the CDH, implemented a neural network to predict the pronunciation of Old Chinese characters.


PPA Hosts Four Undergraduate Summer Interns

2 September 2021

A team of four undergraduates helped with metadata work essential for the Princeton Prosody Archive's new features, while undertaking independent research projects that advanced the PPA in a unique way.


Fall 2021 — (Updated) Browse CDH's Curated Course List!

2 September 2021

We've updated and are reposting our Fall 2021 curated course list for the Add/Drop period, which ends September 14.

The following are Fall 2021 course offerings that deal with topics at the intersection of technology, society, and culture; provide hands-on computational instruction; or give students the opportunity to explore digital humanities methods.


CDH at ACH2021: Presenting “Startwords”

1 September 2021

Gissoo Doroudian, User Experience Designer at the CDH, offered a video introduction to Startwords, the CDH’s forum for experimental humanities scholarship. Comments welcome!


The other Rebecca

23 August 2021

Working with Rebecca Munson, sharing a first name with her, and missing her.


Rebecca Munson

14 August 2021

Rebecca was a beloved friend, colleague, scholar, and mentor who served as Assistant Director of Interdisciplinary Education at the CDH.

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Meet the 2021 CDH Senior Thesis Prize Honorees: William Ughetta

8 August 2021

William Ughetta ’21 creates a benchmarking tool for two databases of historic legal reports.


CDH at ACH2021: Gissoo Doroudian Introduces Bona Fide

5 August 2021

Doroudian, User Experience Designer at the CDH, delivered a lightning talk on Bona Fide, a project in the concept stage that invites users to think about search engines in a new way. Comments welcome!

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Event Recap: New Languages for NLP Workshop I

22 July 2021

The series aims to expand natural language processing (NLP) resources to low-resource and historical languages.

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The Visualizing the Virus Digital Project Website is Now Live!

19 July 2021

Visualizing the Virus, co-sponsored by the CDH, is an interdisciplinary digital project through which one can visualize and understand the Coronavirus pandemic from a variety of perspectives.

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Meet the 2021 CDH Senior Thesis Prize Honorees: Lauren McGrath

14 July 2021

Lauren created a digital ethnography about urban Philadelphia neighborhoods and health crises.


Old project, new database — a milestone for the Princeton Geniza Project

1 July 2021

Reflections on a major milestone in the Princeton Geniza Project research partnership, including some of the challenges and preliminary insights from migrating the metadata into a relational database.
