Info: Welcome to the new CDH website!

In 2024-25, we are celebrating ten years as a center at Princeton. Explore our redesigned website to get better acquainted with us and the many things we do!

Info: We're hiring!

Apply as our new Research Software Engineer (RSE): More info.


Stories, perspectives, interviews, and investigations in digital humanities.

Honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day by Exploring Indigeneity in DH

15 October 2020

As we observe Indigenous Peoples’ Day this week in many places in the United States, we are taking this week’s issue of the CDH newsletter to highlight Indigenous work and activism in and about Digital Humanities.

Princeton Prosody Archive Honored by Fast Company

9 October 2020

The PPA, a CDH-sponsored project, received an honorable mention in the Learning category of Fast Company’s 2020 Innovation by Design Awards.

Still Hitting the Books: Graduate Alumni Discuss Library Careers

1 October 2020

Several recent CDH graduate alumni have pursued a career in libraries—a path they say has important continuities with their work in graduate school.

Calls for Applications: Join the CDH Community

28 September 2020

Applications are open for Graduate Fellowships, University Administrative Fellowships, and seed grants.

ACH Releases Guidance on Anti-Racist Technical Terminology

25 September 2020

Led by CDH Lead Developer Rebecca Sutton Koeser, an ACH Executive Council working group offers practical steps and resources to learn more.

CFP: The World of Shakespeare and Company

24 September 2020

Proposals for articles are due December 15, 2020, and should be fewer than 400 words in length.

Thesis Prize Winner Teaches Computers to Paint Landscapes

17 September 2020

Alice Xue ’20 won the 2020 CDH Senior Thesis Prize for her project: "Can a Machine Originate Art? Creating Traditional Chinese Landscape Paintings Using Artificial Intelligence."

CDH New Postdoc Profile: Sierra Eckert

14 September 2020

Sierra Eckert joined the CDH as postdoctoral research associate and Perkins Fellow soon after defending her dissertation in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.

CDH New Postdoc Profile: Kavita Kulkarni

9 September 2020

Kavita Kulkarni joins the CDH as postdoctoral research associate and American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellow.

Welcome Back, In Any Form

3 September 2020

This academic year, we invite you to connect and collaborate with us as we confront the challenging times we are living in.


Meet the CDH Summer Interns!

5 August 2020

In a most challenging summer for students seeking internships, we are happy to welcome (remotely) a large group of undergraduates to the Center for Digital Humanities.

Fall 2020 Undergraduate Courses in Data, Tech, + Digital Culture

29 July 2020

Disciplines and fields represented here include the history of technology, digital humanities, media theory, applications in programming, science and technology studies (STS), and media art.