We collaborate with faculty, students, and staff to design and develop world-class projects that generate critical discussions about data, technology, and the human experience
Projects list
African_UD: Universal Dependencies Treebank for African Languages
Increasing the representation of African languages in NLP by creating quality datasets for eleven African languages

Citing Marx
Identifying Marx citations within Die Neue Zeit

Computational Approaches to Nigerian Literature
Experiments in NLP for texts in Yoruba and Efik

Exercises in Literary Style
Investigating the capacity of LLMs to discern and classify literary styles through a series of controlled experiments

MUSE (Multilingual Semantic Embeddings)
Linking concepts in music-theoretical texts across languages

Philly Community Wireless
Building community-controlled networks in Philadelphia.

Princeton Open HTR Initiative
Establishing research infrastructures to support Princeton use of HTR for manuscripts and archival documents in a variety of languages and scripts

Princeton Prosody Archive
Inviting users to rethink poetry's past through a collection of historical prosodic works

Segmenting Paratextual Material in Arabic Scientific Manuscripts
Computational methods for classifying and analyzing visual aspects of the manuscript folio

Shakespeare and Company Project
Recreating the world of the Lost Generation in interwar Paris

A journal for experimental humanities research, irregularly published by the CDH