Info: Welcome to the new CDH website!

In 2024-25, we are celebrating ten years as a center at Princeton. Explore our redesigned website to get better acquainted with us and the many things we do!

Info: We're hiring!

Apply as our new Research Software Engineer (RSE): More info.


Stories, perspectives, interviews, and investigations in digital humanities.

Get to know our upcoming speakers!

22 February 2018

Risam and Morrison on post-colonial theory, feminist media studies, and digital humanities The CDH is very excited to announce two guest lecturers in early March. On March 5, Roopika Risam (Salem State) will talk about Recovering the Global Dimensions of W. E. B. Du Bois’s Career, and on March 7, Aimée Morrison (University of Waterloo) will give a lecture on Social Justice Selfies: Hasthag Counter Narratives and Activist Counter Publics. On March 6, Professors Risam and Morrison will jointly teach a workshop, Digital Humanities in Translation: Communicating Your Scholarship to Multiple Publics, on how to effectively communicate, talk and write about academic work and interdisciplinary scholarship in the various contexts and virtual venues made possible by the Digital Humanities.

Meet Our New Graduate Student Assistants!

8 February 2018

As we gear up to kick off the Spring semester with fabulous workshops, consultations, lectures, and funding opportunities, we at the CDH wanted to give you the chance to meet our two new graduate assistants. Read their guest blog posts below to learn more about their research and what led them to work with the CDH, and be sure to look for them around campus!

What's in an Annotation?

2 February 2018

What are annotations? How do you annotate texts, and what does that say about how you read?


24 October 2017

Something truly inspiring has been happening in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Something that started small, as the brainchild of a few wonderful humans at Columbia University, and has continued to grow, to blossom, and to bifurcate among a variety of institutions across the nation. This something takes virtually no training and can be done from anywhere with just a laptop, an internet connection, and a bit of time; yet this something has a direct impact on relief efforts in Puerto Rico, and is a great way for people who are far away to contribute something that will make a big difference. This something is the #PRMapathon movement.

CDH: The First Three Years 2014–2017

12 October 2017

The CDH Three Year Report (2014-2017) is here!

CDH Web 2.0 is live!

12 October 2017

The CDH recently unveiled its new web site with a soft launch coinciding with our Fall Open House. We’re very excited to showcase the work of our development team, and also to create a new foundation for future expansion.

Why and How We Test Software

2 October 2017

Software developers, like other humans, make mistakes.


Fall Visiting Speaker: Deb Verhoeven

15 September 2017

The CDH is thrilled to welcome our first visiting speaker for the Fall 2017 semester, Deb Verhoeven!