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CDH Grad Student Achievements

26 April 2018


Our graduate students have been working hard this year, and we want to announce their accomplishments from the rooftops! Check out their achievements in this blog post.

Our graduate students have been working hard this year, and we want to announce their accomplishments from the rooftops! Check out their achievements in this blog post.

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Philip Gleissner, the CDH’s first Grad Assistant (2015-2016) and, subsequently, our Grad Fellow (2016-2017), has accepted a tenure-track position as assistant professor in the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures at The Ohio State University. An article about his digital humanities project Digital Émigré is forthcoming in the Russian Review this summer . Phil’s past work with the Center and especially his project Soviet Journals Reconnected have greatly informed his research, and he will be defending his dissertation Through Thick and Thin: The Social Life of Journals under Late Socialism, in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures this year.

In 2017-2018 CDH Graduate Fellow Miranda Marraccini, PhD candidate in English, further developed her project, Victoria Press Circle. Miranda had the opportunity to co-teach an undergraduate class with Professor Meredith Martin called “Virtual Victorians” (Spring 2018), which explored 19th-century print culture and taught techniques of close and distant reading. Miranda received a Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies, and hopes to promote the inclusion of women’s work in digital archives and critical studies.

Lindsey Stephenson, PhD candidate in Near Eastern Studies, will be a Post-Graduate Research Associate (PGRA) with the CDH for Fall 2018. This year, Lindsey received a CDH grant for her dissertation project “ Mapping Iranian Migrants and their Networks in Bahrain: 1920-1950 ” (2017-2018) and she was the Dean’s Completion Fellow for the Department of Near Eastern Studies (Spring 2018). She will continue work on her database as the CDH affiliated PGRA and will work as a “date envoy” to her department (NES) in order to introduce other graduate students to digital humanities opportunities for their research.

Rebecca Napolitano, PhD Candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering, received a 2017-2018 grant from the CDH to create a database of historic Roman construction materials for Reconstructing the Past, which is a part of her larger dissertation project to facilitate digital reconstructions of ancient Roman buildings. This cross-divisional collaboration has involved the CDH, the departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Art and Archaeology, and a team of graduate and undergraduate students, some of whom have participated through the ReMatch program of the Office of the Dean of the College. Over the course of the past year, Rebecca has shared her research outcomes widely, publishing six journal articles, giving six invited lectures, one invited panel presentation, and 13 conference presentations. Rebecca hopes to use the skills she learned at the CDH this year to create an interactive visualization of the data the team has collected over the past two years.

Grad assistant (2018) Deborah Schlein, PhD candidate in Near Eastern Studies, has been awarded membership in the 2018-2020 cohort of the Rare Book School Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography. The purpose of the society is to “advance the study of texts, images, and artifacts as material objects through capacious, interdisciplinary scholarship, and enrich humanistic inquiry and education by identifying, mentoring, and training promising early-career scholars.” Deborah hopes to take the skills she’s learned at the CDH and apply them to her work as she learns more about rare books and manuscripts during her fellowship.

Grant Recipients

This Spring, the CDH has also awarded a number of grants to Graduate Students:

Merle Eisenberg (PhD Candidate, History) received one of the CDH’s Dataset Curation grants for Fall 2019. Merle’s work focuses on the sixth century Justinianic Plague, and his project aims to create a dataset of plague occurrences. Using textual records, Merle’s project “provides a standardized and clean dataset that will form the basis of a later open-access permanent repository on the plague, which would become the standard reference for future scholars” and “serve as the beginnings of an instrument of academic outreach to the interested public and non-specialists.”

Richard Anderson (PhD Candidate, History) received a CDH Public Humanities Grant for the UNOW Oral History Project. “UNOW, Princeton University’s affiliated nursery school, came from the local chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) that saw that women’s liberation depended upon mothers being freed from domestic constraints, including childcare.” Richard and his team will conduct interviews that will link the histories of the university, of childcare and of early childhood education, as well as of second-wave feminism in Princeton, in order to produce an archive and an accessible website. The project aims to teach the public about “the implications of UNOW’s history for critical contemporary issues of gender equality, childcare access, and the increasing professionalization of early childcare education.”

Six CDH travel grants were also awarded to graduate students.

Mary Naydan, PhD student in English and project manager for the Princeton Prosody Archive (PPA), will be traveling to Mexico City in June for DH2018, an international digital humanities conference. There she will present a poster on PPA, a CDH Sponsored Project that collects and displays more than 5,000 digitized works on prosody published between 1570 and 1923.

Julia Khait, PhD candidate in Musicology, will be using her CDH travel grant to participate in a Music Encoding Conference at the University of Maryland this May. The conference will explore the relationship between music encoding and various aspects of performance practice, including digital scores, pedagogy, and research.

Felice Physioc, PhD candidate in History, will be using a travel grant to study at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) in Vancouver. There she will attend workshops on digitization and open access which will allow her to better visualize and share her research on the Spanish Crown and its involvement in the late eighteenth-century economy of the Americas.

Miranda Marraccini, PhD candidate in English, will also be using her travel grant to take courses at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) in Vancouver. She will be taking the course, “Feminist Digital Humanities: Theoretical, Social, and Material Engagements,” to strengthen the theoretical framework for her digital project, “The Victoria Press Circle.”

Aia Yousef, PhD candidate in Comparative Literature, will be attending the Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT) at the University of Pennsylvania this summer with the help of a CDH travel grant. Aia will learn about digital humanities methods for text analysis at the institute this summer in order to apply these methods to her own research and writing on British literature during the long eighteenth century.

Paula Pérez-Rodríguez, PhD candidate in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, will attend to the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School to learn how techniques such as text mining and data visualization can help develop her dissertation on the intersection between orality and literacy in Spanish popular culture.