Stories, perspectives, interviews, and investigations in digital humanities.
Weird Data: A Spring 2019 Freshman Seminar
18 September 2018
The CDH is delighted to announce our first Freshman Seminar!CDH Kicks off Year of Data
12 September 2018
The Center for Digital Humanities is excited to launch Year of Data, a campus-wide initiative that will take place during the 2018-2019 academic year. We will host and co-host over twenty events to encourage critical thinking about how data shapes our research, teaching, and daily lives. Together we’ll address questions such as:CDH Reading Group: Collections as Data
12 September 2018
Did you know that Princeton's rich library collections can be used for innovative, data-driven research? Do you want to learn how digital libraries, catalogs, exhibits, and finding aids can be used for text mining, data visualization, mapping, image analysis, audio analysis, and network analysis?CDH is hiring a Graphic Designer!
23 July 2018
The Center for Digital Humanities (CDH) at Princeton University seeks a Graphic Designer for a short-term project. The scope of this project is to create compelling publicity and promotional material for the Center’s “Year of Data,” a campus-wide initiative that will take place during the 2018-2019 academic year. During Year of Data, the CDH will host approximately 20 events, speakers, workshops, and discussions to encourage critical and immersive thinking about how data shapes our research, teaching, and daily lives.Are you our new User Experience Designer?
11 July 2018
The CDH is hiring! We are looking for a curious, committed, and collegial colleague to join our Development and Design Team as our User Experience Designer. The UX Designer collaborates with faculty, students and library partners using the design process (site flow, wireframes, user research, art design) to ensure that each project reaches its full potential in scholarly and technical innovation.Princeton Prosody Archive: Rebuilding the Collection and User Interface
2 July 2018
The following is content associated with a poster presented at Digital Humanities 2018. El texto que sigue forma parte de un póster que nos presentamos en el DH2018: El Archivo de la Prosodia de Princeton: Reconstruir la colección y la interfaz de usuario.Bridging Digital Humanities Internal And Open Source Software Projects Through Reusable Building Blocks
29 June 2018
Software development is often an integral aspect of Digital Humanities projects. By working to generalize and build small modules or utilities targeting specific needs rather than large-scale systems, DH software developers have the capacity to generate tools with greater potential for scholarly reuse, which should enable more rapid development on future projects, and allow developers to focus on innovative work.The CDH at DH2018
27 June 2018
Members of the CDH staff and affiliated faculty and students are currently at DH2018, the 2018 Digital Humanities Conference taking place in Mexico City this year. Organized by the Association of Digital Humanities Organizations in conjunction with El Colegio de México, La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and La Red de Humanidades Digitales (RedHD), DH2018 is a space for diversity and dialogue in digital research and teaching across all arts, social sciences and humanities. Read on to find out more about our Princeton CDH presentations and posters!Slavic DH Working Group Wins Grant from International Fund for Summer Digital Mapping Workshop
17 May 2018
The Princeton Slavic DH Working Group, which promotes the exploration of digital humanities methods among scholars working in the Slavic, East European and Eurasian fields, has received a generous grant from the Princeton International Fund to send an interdisciplinary group to Germany this summer for a workshop called "Digitally Mapping Eastern Europe."CDH at Princeton Research Day!
3 May 2018
Come see members of the CDH - Rebecca Munson, Ben Hicks, Nora Benedict, Natalia Ermolaev, Mary Naydan, and Meagan Wilson - present their DH research at Princeton Research Day 2018 on May 10.Public Digital Humanities Grant Awards
3 May 2018
We are happy to announce the recipients of the CDH's first Public Digital Humanities Seed Grants. These grants will support innovative projects in the Digital Humanities that bring together Princeton researchers with public partners, local communities, and the general public. These awards build on the CDH's successful 2017-2018 series of events, groups, and workshops on the public digital humanities.CDH Grad Student Achievements
26 April 2018
Our graduate students have been working hard this year, and we want to announce their accomplishments from the rooftops! Check out their achievements in this blog post.