Lunaapahkiing Princeton Timetree

interwoven histories of Princeton University community and Lenape peoples of Lunaapahkiing, “the land of the Lenape.”

Project team

Built by CDH
Lunaapahkiing Princeton Timetree

Evolving out of undergraduate student Jiyoun Roh’s (‘24) final project in Professor Sarah Rivett’s “Introduction to Indigenous Literatures” course, the Lenapehoking History project aimed to create an online, alternative timeline data visualization of Princeton’s history that acknowledges the Indigenous peoples who have lived on and maintained ties with this land for thousands of years. In 2021-2022, work on this project was undertaken as a a collaboration between Princeton’s Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative at Princeton (NAISIP) and the Center for Digital Humanities (CDH).

In 2022-2023, the CDH awarded a Research Partnership grant to Jeff Himpele. Himpele collaborated with Gissoo Doroudian and Rebecca Sutton Koeser to re-envision and create a new version of the project, which was eventually titled "Lunaapahkiing Princeton Timetree."

CDH Grant History

  • 2022–2023 Research Partnership