Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through March 31, 2025. Apply now.

Rebecca Sutton Koeser

Lead Research Software Engineer

Ph.D. English Literature, Emory University

B.A., English Literature and Math/Computer Science, Wheaton College (IL)

network analysis
data visualization
Digital Humanities
Data Development
3D Modeling
Digital Research Infrastructures
Information Retrieval
Agent-based Modeling
Rebecca Sutton Koeser

As Lead Research Software Engineer, Rebecca Sutton Koeser co-leads the CDH Research Software Engineering Team with Assistant Director Jeri Wieringa and partners with faculty to create custom research software through CDH collaborative projects. She also serves on Princeton's Research Computing Advisory Group (RCAG).

Rebecca has training in both English Literature and Computer Science, and nearly two decades of experience with software engineering in an academic environment. Before joining CDH, she was a senior software engineer with Emory University Libraries and IT Services, where she contributed to a diverse array of Digital Library and Digital Humanities projects and open source tools. She cares deeply about accessibility, and currently holds the IAAP Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS) certification.

Rebecca's wide-ranging interests and capacious curiosity enable her to engage deeply in partnerships with faculty from a range of fields (English Literature, History and Near Eastern Studies, Philosophy). Current research interests include working and reasoning with missing data; this is reflected in the article "Missing Data, Speculative Reading", co-authored with Zoe LeBlanc, and the python library undate for working with partially known and fuzzy dates, which expands on work from the Shakespeare and Company Project and the Princeton Geniza Project. She has continued interest in data visualization and data physicalization, and thinking carefully about research software development practices and Research Software Engineering for the humanities.

Rebecca serves on the DHTech (ADHO Special Interest Group) Steering Committee and is actively involved in the Code Review Working Group and DH Community Code Review efforts; she also occasionally reviews for the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS). She previously served on the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) Executive Council (2019-2023).


IAAP Certified Web Accessibility Specialist

IAAP Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS), International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)

Highlighted articles

Missing Data, Speculative Reading

Estimating, analyzing, and speculating about gaps in Shakespeare and Company Project data; co-authored with Zoe LeBlanc (2024)


Data Beyond Vision

Experiments with data physicalization and DH data, published in the first issue of Startwords (2020)


Trusting Others to 'Do the Math'

Who are we trusting when we use software for research? (2015)


Related projects

MUSE (Multilingual Semantic Embeddings)

Linking concepts in music-theoretical texts across languages


Citing Marx

Identifying Marx citations within Die Neue Zeit


Bringing HTR to the HPC

Customizing the eScriptorium HTR software for use on Princeton high performance computing hardware

Built by CDH
HTR2HPC cover

Related events

Poster Session II at DH2024

Aug 9 2:00PM–3:30PM
Rebecca Sutton Koeser
Meredith Martin
Mary Naydan

Poster Session I at DH2024

Aug 7 6:00PM–7:30PM
Lara Buchak
Wouter Haverals
Ryan Heuser
Rebecca Sutton Koeser
Zoe LeBlanc
Meredith Martin
Jeri Wieringa

DH Inside Out: Mini-Conference at DH2024

Aug 5 9:00AM–4:30PM
Rebecca Sutton Koeser

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