DH Inside Out: Mini-Conference at DH2024

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Arlington, VA
Arlington, VA


  • Rebecca Sutton Koeser

DH Inside Out is a mini-conference at DH2024 hosted by DHTech. Lead RSE Rebecca Koeser is one of the organizers. Rebecca will also be giving two talks:

Simulating Risk Attitudes and Rationality Using Agent-Based Modeling

10:20–10:40 a.m.

This talk will present technical details from a research project using agent-based modeling to explore the theory of risk-weighted rational decision making and risk attitudes in the context of game theory. I will share an overview of the development process used for the project, and then focus on three software engineering challenges: managing code for three similar simulations; testing methods with probabilistic outcomes; and problems of scale for batch running simulations across a large number of parameter combinations.

Building a Community for DH Code Review (with Julia Damerow and Malte Vogl)

11:00–11:20 a.m.

This talk will present technical details from a research project using agent-based modeling to explore the theory of risk-weighted rational decision making and risk attitudes in the context of game theory. I will share an overview of the development process used for the project, and then focus on three software engineering challenges: managing code for three similar simulations; testing methods with probabilistic outcomes; and problems of scale for batch running simulations across a large number of parameter combinations.