Introducing "Startwords"
27 October 2020
More formal than a blog yet more speculative and iterative than a peer-reviewed journal, "Startwords" is a forum for experimental humanities scholarship.

Introducing Startwords, a research periodical irregularly published by the Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton. More formal than a blog yet more speculative and iterative than a peer-reviewed journal, Startwords is a forum for experimental humanities scholarship. Embedded code, data physicalizations, design, and emerging forms of process documentation are detailed through writing that is essayistic, creative, and research-driven.

The first issue, Transformations, features two pieces by CDH staff past and present:
- “ Data Beyond Vision,” by Rebecca Sutton Koeser, Gissoo Doroudian, Nick Budak, and Xinyi Li
- “ Their Data, Ourselves: Illness as Information,” by Rebecca Munson
Startwords is edited by Digital Humanities Strategist Grant Wythoff.
Check back on Thursday for more on the Startwords launch!