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Graduate Courses in DH

Graduate-level seminars that have been offered or cross-listed by the CDH.

Code Semester Title Faculty

HOS 599

Fall 2024

Engineering — Computing — Infrastructure

Matthew L. Jones

CDH 507

Spring 2024

Data in the Humanities*

Grant Wythoff

CLA 514

Fall 2023

Greek Philology, Past and Future

Johannes Haubold

ENG 563

Fall 2023

Ballad, Sonnet, Lyric, Line: The Stories of Poetic Forms

Meredith Martin, Ryan Heuser

GER 532

Fall 2023

Literary Studies? A Disciplinary Investigation

Nikolaus Wegmann

*Required course for the Graduate Certificate in DH.

Related graduate courses this semseter

Check Out Spring 2024 Graduate DH Course Offerings in NJ and NY

11 December 2023

We’ve made a list of relevant courses for Spring 2024 offered throughout the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium.
