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DH for Hellenic Studies

Advancing digital and computational research in Hellenic Studies

Greek manuscript

Since 2023, the CDH has partnered with Princeton's Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies to offer a week-long summer institute on DH for Hellenic Studies at the Princeton Athens Center. The program brings together Princeton scholars with graduate students and postdocs affiliated with universities in Greece to learn how digital and computational methods can be leveraged for the study of the Greek world from antiquity to the present, and to build connections with other scholars working in this field.

See the course plan for the 2023 summer institute, which covered general themes in digital humanities for Hellenic Studies.

See the course plan for the 2024 summer institute, which was focused on working with text, especially from antiquity and the Byzantine and Ottoman periods.

Early-Career Hellenic Studies Scholars Learn Digital Humanities Tools at the Princeton Athens Center

21 July 2024

This summer, Princeton graduate student Megan Coates, Art & Archaeology, learned the latest technological tools to help advance her dissertation research in manuscript studies.

Princeton Athens Center in Athens, Greece

CDH Co-Organizes Hellenic Studies DH Workshop

16 March 2023

The five-day, lab-style DH workshop will take place in Athens in July.

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Act I for Steven Feng ’27 🎭

6 August 2024

Steven explored Greek tragedy at the DH for Hellenic Studies Institute.
