Info: Welcome to the new CDH website!

In 2024-25, we are celebrating ten years as a center at Princeton. Explore our redesigned website to get better acquainted with us and the many things we do!

Info: We're hiring!

Apply as our new Research Software Engineer (RSE): More info.


Latest announcements, opportunities, open calls, deadlines, and general updates.

Happy birthday, CDH! 🥳

11 September 2024

We’re celebrating our tenth anniversary at our Open House and with a new theme: “Humanities for AI.”

Ten Year Anniversary
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Gian Duri Rominger *23 Wins DH Dissertation Prize

4 September 2024

Rominger is now assistant professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he also teaches in the Data Science minor.


Check Out Fall 2024 Graduate DH Course Offerings in NJ and NY

18 August 2024

We’ve made a list of graduate courses for fall 2024 offered throughout the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium (IUDC).


CDH at DH2024

6 August 2024

Learn about the work we will be sharing at this year’s conference!

Screenshot 2024-08-24 at 4.09.09 PM

Announcing the 2024–25 Collaborative Research Grantees and Projects

2 July 2024

Grantees will work with a team of CDH Research Software Engineers and Project Managers to develop methods and software to aid their research.

CRG Announcement banner copy

Meet Our New RSE, Laure Thompson!

6 May 2024

Laure joined the CDH earlier this year as a Research Software Engineer.


Check Out Our Curated Fall 2024 Course List (Undergrad Edition)!

24 April 2024

Get inspired by our twice yearly list of Princeton courses on media studies, technology, data and culture, and more.


DH Summer Opportunities

6 April 2024

Our second annual list of DH-relevant workshops and conferencesonline and around the worldis here!


CDH Postdocs Among PLI Seed Grant Awardees

9 March 2024

Happy Buzaaba, Wouter Haverals, and Christine Roughan will work with Princeton faculty on projects ranging from literary “style” in the age of LLMs to HTR workflows.


Call for Applications! Summer Institute: Digital Humanities for Hellenic Studies – Working with Text

15 February 2024

The workshop will take place from June 25–28 at the Princeton Athens Center in Athens, Greece. The application is due on March 31.

Princeton Athens Center in Athens, Greece

Meet the CDH Postdocs: Happy Buzaaba

27 December 2023

Happy Buzaaba is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in African language technologies at the Center for Digital Humanities and the African Humanities Colloquium at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies.
