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Meredith Martin Wins Graduate Mentoring Award

17 May 2021

CDH Faculty Director Meredith Martin, associate professor of English, has been awarded the 2021 Graduate Mentoring Award from Princeton’s McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.


Read about this year’s recipients of the Graduate Mentoring Award on the Princeton University news website.

We’re celebrating at the Center for Digital Humanities!

CDH Faculty Director Meredith Martin, associate professor of English, has been awarded the 2021 Graduate Mentoring Award from Princeton’s McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.

The award recognizes four faculty members per year “who are exemplary in supporting the development of their graduate students as teachers, scholars, and professionals.” Graduate students are invited to nominate faculty for the award, and winners are selected by a committee comprising graduate students, faculty, McGraw Center leadership, and the deputy dean of the Graduate School.

“This award means the world to me,” said Meredith. “My approach to mentorship derives from the collaborative ethos of the CDH—the best humanities scholarship happens in conversation and I have learned immensely from transformative, challenging, and buoying conversations with my graduate students.”

On Wednesday, a group of Meredith’s current and former graduate students made a surprise appearance at the CDH staff meeting to celebrate alongside the honoree!

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CDH Research Software Developer Kevin McElwee created a word cloud using messages graduate students and alumni wrote to honor Meredith.

Meredith and her fellow Mentoring Award recipients will also be recognized at the Graduate School’s Virtual Hooding Ceremony on May 24.

Congratulations, Meredith! 💙

Carousel Photo: #Princeton21 Social Media Celebration Toolkit