Check Out Our Curated Fall 2023 Course List (Grad Edition)!
16 April 2023
Get inspired by our twice yearly list of Princeton courses on media studies, technology, data and culture, and more.
Get inspired by our twice yearly list of Princeton courses on media studies, technology, data and culture, and more.
ARC 522: History of Comparative Architecture: Architecture, Film and the Spatial Imaginary (Daniel Sherer)
CLA 514 / HLS 514: Problems in Greek Literature: Greek Philology, Past and Future (Johannes Haubold)
Comparative Literature
COM 513 / MOD 513 / PHI 554: Topics in Literature and Philosophy: Probable Lives (Daniel Heller-Roazen)
Computer Science
COS 597F: Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Embodied Language Understanding (Karthik Narasimhan)
COS 597G: Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Understanding Large Language Models (Danqi Chen)
COS 5970: Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Deep Generative Models: Methods, Applications & Societal Considerations (Adji Bousso Dieng)
East Asian Studies
EAS 518 / HIS 532: Qing History: Chinese Technology & Material Culture in Late Imperial China 1600-1900 (He Bian)
ENG 563: Poetics: Ballad, Sonnet, Lyric, Line: The Stories of Poetic Forms (Meredith Martin)
GER 523 / MOD 500 / HUM 523 / ENV 523: Topics in German Media Theory & History: Ecopolitics of Media: Material, Knowledge, Resource Regimes (Thomas Y. Levin)
HIS 586 / HOS 586: American Technological History (Emily Thompson)
MUS 560: Music Cognition Lab (Elizabeth H. Margulis)
POL 502: Mathematics for Political Science (Kristopher W. Ramsay)
POL 573 / SOC 595: Quantitative Analysis II (Rocío Titiunik)
Population Studies
POP 501 / SOC 531: Survey of Population Problems (Alicia Adsera)
PSY 503: Foundations of Statistical Methods for Psychological Science (Jason Geller)
PSY 505: Current Issues in Statistical Methods and Research Practices for Psychological Science (Jason Geller)
SOC 500: Applied Social Statistics
SOC 505: Research Seminar in Empirical Investigation (Dalton Conley)
Did we miss something? Email us at Looking for undergraduate courses? Check out this post from last week.