Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through March 31, 2025. Apply now.

Check Out Our Curated Spring ’23 Course List

16 November 2022

As always, we are here for you with course recommendations at the intersection of data, culture, and the humanities.

Student Choosing Classes

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: course registration!

CDH Faculty Director Meredith Martin has made her semi-annual crawl through the Princeton course catalog to bring you a list of undergraduate courses on media studies, technology, data and culture, and more.

And this semester there is a course taught by Meredith herself! She is teaming up with Brian Kernighan (Computer Science) for a seminar on Literature as Data. If you are a freshman or sophomore, make sure to apply by Friday, February 18.

African American Studies

AAS 314 / COM 398 / REL 303 / AFS 321: Healing & Justice: The Virgin Mary in African Literature & Art (Wendy Laura Belcher)
AAS 339 / EGR 339: Black Mirror: Race, Technology, and Justice (Ruha Benjamin)


ANT 238: Human, Machine, and In-Between: The Anthropology of AI (Beth Semel)
ANT 245 / ENV 245 / AMS 245: Nuclear Princeton: An Indigenous Approach to Science, Technology and the Environment (Ryo Morimoto)

Art and Archaeology

ART 106 / VIS 106 / ENT 106: Looking Lab: Experiments in Visual Thinking and Thinking about Visuals (Lucy Partman)

Chemical and Biological Engineering

CBE 260 / EGR 260: Ethics and Technology: Engineering in the Real World (Bruce E. Koel)

Comparative Literature

COM 332 / HUM 332 / TRA 332: Who Owns This Sentence? Copyright Culture from the Romantic Era to the Age of the Internet (David M. Bellos)

Computer Science

COS 126 / EGR 126: Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach (David I. August, Alan Kaplan, and Jérémie Lumbroso)
COS 205: Nand to Tetris: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles (Shimon Schocken)
COS 217: Introduction to Programming Systems (Donna S. Gabai, Christopher M. Moretti, Jennifer L. Rexford)
COS 226: Algorithms and Data Structures (Dan Leyzberg, Jérémie Lumbroso, and Kevin Wayne)
COS 429: Computer Vision (Olga Russakovsky)
COS 484: Natural Language Processing (Danqi Chen)

East Asian Studies

EAS 370: Brainwashing, Conversion and Other Technologies of Belief Contagion (Steven Chung)
EAS 410: For a Language To Come: A Creative/Critical Media Workshop (Franz K. Prichard)


EGR 200 / ENT 200: Creativity, Innovation, and Design (Majora J. Carter, Jessica J. Leung, Christopher MacPherson)
EGR 277 / SOC 277 / HIS 277: Technology and Society (Mihir E. Kshirsagar)
EGR 383 / ENT 393: Design Research and Humanistic Innovation (ken anderson)


ENG 259 / AMS 259: Film and Media: Animation (Monica Huerta and Russ Leo)

Freshman Seminars

FRS 114: Technology and the Environment (Vivian Feng)
FRS 148: Global Tactics in Hybrid Media and Performance Making (Jaamil Olawale Kosoko)
FRS 168: What to Read and Believe in the Digital Age (Joe Stephens)
FRS 172: Origins of Modern Communications and the Principles of Innovation (Swati Bhatt)

Gender and Sexuality Studies

GSS 208 / AAS 208: Media, Sex, and the Racialized Body (Dannelle Gutarra Cordero)


GER 211: Introduction to Media Theory (Thomas Y. Levin)
GER 408 / ECS 404 / HUM 408 / DAN 325: Media and/as Performance (Susan Morrow)


HIS 390: History of Science, Technology, and Medicine: Ideas and Methods (Erika L. Milam)

Humanistic Studies

HUM 307 / ENG 277: Literature as Data (Brian W. Kernighan and Meredith A. Martin)


JRN 445: Investigative Journalism: Data-driven Reporting (Neil Bedi)


LIN 260 / AFS 262: Languages of Africa (Florian Lionnet)


MUS 248 / PSY 248: Music Cognition (Elizabeth H. Margulis)
MUS 316: Computer and Electronic Music Composition (Tyondai A. Braxton)


POL 346: Applied Quantitative Analysis (Marc Ratkovic)
POL 347 / ECO 347: Game Theory in Politics (Matias Iaryczower)
POL 474 / CHV 474: Media and Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives (Jan-Werner Müller)

Public and International Affairs

SPI 200: Statistics for Social Sciences (Richard W. DiSalvo)
SPI 365: Tech/Ethics (Steven A. Kelts)

Science and Technology Council

STC 209A / EGR 209A / MUS 209A: Transformations in Engineering and the Arts (Sigrid Adriaenssens, Penelope Georges, Naomi E. Leonard, and Jeffrey O. Snyder)

Slavic Languages and Literatures

SLA 304 / RES 304: Soviet Animation: Between Art and Propaganda (Svetlana Korshunova)
SLA 314: From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: Censorship and Literature in Russia


SOC 306 / SML 306: Machine Learning with Social Data: Opportunities and Challenges (Brandon M. Stewart)

Statistics and Machines Learning

SML 201: Introduction to Data Science (Ricardo Pereira Masini)

Translation and Intercultural Communication

TRA 301 / COS 401 / LIN 304: Introduction to Machine Translation (Srinivas Bangalore)

Visual Arts

VIS 208: Graphic Design: Link (Laurel Schwulst)
VIS 220: Digital Animation (Tim Szetala)


WRI 149: Your Life in Numbers (Daniel M. Choi)
WRI 178: Posthuman, The (Marina Fedosik)
WRI 185: Gamification (Adrienne M. Raphel)

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