Info: Welcome to the new CDH website!

In 2024-25, we are celebrating ten years as a center at Princeton. Explore our redesigned website to get better acquainted with us and the many things we do!

Info: We're hiring!

Apply as our new Research Software Engineer (RSE): More info.

Fall Open House 2024

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Center for Digital Humanities
Firestone Library, Floor B


  • Meredith Martin

CDH is TEN! Join us for refreshments and a toast celebrating our anniversary and theme for the year ahead, "Humanities for AI".

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Happy birthday, CDH! 🥳

11 September 2024

We’re celebrating our tenth anniversary at our Open House and with a new theme: “Humanities for AI.”

Ten Year Anniversary
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Humanities for AI

Foregrounding the centrality of the humanities in the development, use, and interpretation of the field broadly known as “AI”
