Data Conversations: Department of History

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Dickinson 210
Dickinson 210


  • Rhae Lynn Barnes
  • Sean Fraga
  • Jessica Mack

Data Conversations are informal exchanges among faculty and graduate students with DH experience that address broad questions concerning research data in the humanities and social sciences. Participants will speak from experience and provide discipline-specific perspectives for DH newcomers.

In this edition of Data Conversations with the Department of History we will be joined by Rhae Lynn Barnes (Assistant Professor, History) who will talk about the use of algorithms and image analysis, Jessica Mack (Postgraduate Research Associate, History) who will discuss textual analysis in twentieth-century intellectual production at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and Sean Fraga (Postgraduate Research Associate, History) who will talk about his use of digital mapping and geospatial analysis in investigating the role of maritime commerce in nineteenth-century American settlement of the Pacific Northwest.