Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through March 31, 2025. Apply now.

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Applications for "Visualizing the Past: Mapping Athens’ Lost Neighborhood" are open through March 21, 2025. Apply now.

CDH Affiliates Pitch Projects at Keller Center Innovation Forum

6 October 2021

The annual event offers Princeton researchers the opportunity to present work with the potential for commercial or societal impact.


The Center for Digital Humanities is taking our work public—to Princeton’s innovation community.

On October 7, two teams associated with the CDH will pitch their projects at the 16th Annual Keller Center Innovation Forum. The event is a “competition and networking event showcasing Princeton research with commercialization, cultural or societal potential.”

Participants present their research to a panel of judges, who have an opportunity to ask questions. Three projects in each track—science and engineering innovations, and humanities and social science innovations—receive funding to support their research.

Associate Director Natalia Ermolaev and Andrew Janco (Haverford College Libraries) will kick off CDH participation in the humanities and social sciences track, which begins at 2:15 pm Eastern. Ermolaev and Janco will pitch New Languages for Natural Languages Processing: Increasing Linguistic Diversity in Humanities Research Technologies.

“New Languages for Natural Language Processing is a workflow to create the linguistic data and statistical models needed for computational analysis of text in currently-unsupported languages. With the ability to process texts in local rather than global languages, developers can create solutions that will reach users in their first language.”

Ermolaev and Janco lead New Languages for NLP: Building Linguistic Diversity in the Digital Humanities, a series of workshops supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. At the workshops, researchers learn to develop NLP tools in languages for which NLP tools are not widely available, including Kanbun, Quechua, Tigrinya, and Yiddish.

The workshops are hosted by the CDH and offered in partnership with Haverford College and DARIAH-EU.

Later in the afternoon, Lead Developer Rebecca Sutton Koeser and UX Designer Gissoo Doroudian will introduce Startwords, the CDH’s forum for experimental humanities scholarship.

“In Startwords, embedded code, data physicalizations, design, and emerging forms of process documentation are detailed in writing that is essayistic, creative, and research-driven. Each issue features two articles that speak to a common theme, feature, or concern. ‘Snippets’ invite readers to engage with digital evidence underlying those articles.”

The inaugural issue of Startwords, on the theme of “Transformations,” came out last October.

Interested in hearing all the pitches? Register by 9 am on October 7 to attend the afternoon programming, which begins at 1 pm.

This year’s Innovation Forum is a collaboration between the Keller Center, the Office of Technology Licensing, and the Humanities Council.

Carousel photo by Kendall Ruth on Unsplash