Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through March 31, 2025. Apply now.

Info: Call for Summer Institute: DH for Hellenic Studies!

Applications for "Visualizing the Past: Mapping Athens’ Lost Neighborhood" are open through March 21, 2025. Apply now.

Reminder: Graduate Fellowship Applications due today!

15 October 2019


Time is running out to apply to join the spring 2020 cohort of  Graduate Fellows in Digital Humanities!

Time is running out to apply to join the spring 2020 cohort of Graduate Fellows in Digital Humanities !

CDH Grad Fellows explore a field of DH research or professional development during their term. No previous experience with DH or specific technical skills are required. Fellows are expected to be active participants in the life of the CDH, attending monthly cohort meetings that provide the opportunity to workshop ideas with peers.

The term of the Graduate Fellowship in DH is one semester. Fellows should expect to devote approximately 3 hours per week to their fellowship activities. The award is $750/semester. Applicants must be enrolled students, from any department and at any stage of their graduate career. Applications must also include a letter of support from their DGS (in the case of pre-generals students) or dissertation adviser (in the case of post-generals students). Please note that visiting students are not eligible for the fellowship, though they may request a consultation and meet with CDH staff for up to one hour a month of support.

Applications are due October 15, 2019. Application materials, exclusive of letters from faculty, should be submitted as a single PDF to A completed application consists of:

  • Application cover sheet (below)
  • Letter of application (1 page) describing your research, the aspects of DH that most interest you, and the ways you feel your scholarly, pedagogical, or professional development would benefit from this fellowship.
  • Current C.V.
  • Adviser or DGS endorsement (to be sent separately, via email)

For full details download the Call for Applications here.