2019 Senior Thesis Prize: Call for Nominations
1 May 2019
The Center for Digital Humanities is now accepting nominations for our 2019 Senior Thesis Prize, to be awarded to the thesis that best directly utilizes, engages with, or contributes to the field of digital humanities. The prize may be received by up to two students and carries an award of $1,500.
An eligible thesis must make a meaningful intervention into the interdisciplinary area between computer science and the humanities. This can be achieved by using digital tools to map, organize or produce humanities-based research, or by bringing digital methods of data analysis and thought into critical conversation with humanities material.
Jessica Ji (Computer Science, ‘18) was the recipient of the 2018 prize for her thesis, Examining Historical Correlations: International Relations Data Analysis with the Correlates of War Project. Ji, whose work was supervised by Professor Brian Kernighan, designed a simple way to discern and visualize broad patterns among the historical datasets comprising the Correlates of War Project, an ongoing data collection initiative in the field of International Relations. In addition to articulating trends in selected datasets, Ji’s thesis reflected on the theoretical and practical aspects of DH tool design based on her experience building TableReader, a general-purpose DH data analysis tool which may benefit future researchers.
To qualify for nomination, the student’s thesis must receive a grade of straight A or A+ from both readers. In exceptional cases, the committee will consider theses that have received an "A-" grade from one of the readers as long as the second grade is an A or an A+ and the advisor includes an explanation of why the thesis merits a prize. Departments may submit up to two (2) nominations.
Nominations are due Friday May 17th. For each nomination send the following as PDF attachments to cdh-info@princeton.edu : thesis, readers’ comments, and evaluations (including grades). For questions, please contact the CDH’s Project and Education Coordinator, Dr. Rebecca Munson ( rmunson@princeton.edu ).