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Info: We're hiring!

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CFP: Collaborative Research Grants


The 2025-2026 Call for Proposals will open late Fall 2024.

The Center for Digital Humanities seeks scholars interested in conducting innovative, computationally engaged, and collaborative humanities research. Princeton faculty and staff from any discipline are welcome to propose projects that integrate methods, sources, or critique from the humanities with computation, data science, machine learning and AI, and/or design.

Application Process

To apply, please prepare a 1,000-word project proposal that includes:

  • A clear statement of the concept or problem.
  • The desired outcomes or project objectives.
  • A clear explanation of the project’s intervention in your field, and for humanities research broadly. How is the approach innovative or unique? Has this approach been tried before?
  • If the project is data-driven, briefly describe the data. Please submit a data sample, and provide documentation that you have the rights to use or publish studies based on this data. Consult staff at the Princeton Research Data Service if you have any questions about your data.
  • The expertise needed from the CDH.
  • An indication of your preferred start dates for the 6-month partnership (July - January).
  • Funding request. Please also indicate any other funding secured or requested for this project.

We provide a Google Document template to help you to structure your proposals.