Call for Proposals: Latin American Seed Grants

1 October 2018


The Center for Digital Humanities invites Princeton faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students to apply for grants to support individual or collaborative digital projects that engage with the Latin American cultural record. Grants are intended to support exploratory thinking and early-stage development of digital projects. Funds may be used for needs such as hiring assistants for data gathering, encoding, scanning, or preliminary technical advising or development. The grant can also support meetings within departments to survey current projects and brainstorm graduate student and faculty initiatives.

The Center for Digital Humanities invites Princeton faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students to apply for grants to support individual or collaborative digital projects that engage with the Latin American cultural record. Grants are intended to support exploratory thinking and early-stage development of digital projects. Funds may be used for needs such as hiring assistants for data gathering, encoding, scanning, or preliminary technical advising or development. The grant can also support meetings within departments to survey current projects and brainstorm graduate student and faculty initiatives.

Proposals may request funds up to $2,000. Please describe any additional internal/external funding for your proposed project. These grants are not intended to support course development, nor should they be used for self-remuneration. Purchase of appropriate equipment will be considered if applicants can demonstrate that they have explored and exhausted other resources on campus.

All grant-funded activities should occur between December 2018 and May 2019. Each successful team will be required to present an overview of their proposed project at a CDH event in April 2019, as well as attend check-ins with CDH staff. Graduate student applicants must be enrolled Princeton students for the duration of the grant. CDH staff will be available for a one-on-one meeting to provide feedback on proposals, up to two weeks before the submission deadline. Please send questions and applications to Nora Benedict ( ).

The CDH Latin American Seed Grant will only be offered in Fall 2018.

All applications should include:

(1) a narrative of proposed activities (~1 page)

(2) a brief budget

(3) CV or biography for all project leaders and organizers

Key Dates:

Deadline: November 1, 2018

Notification: November 15, 2018

Grant funding period: December 2018 - May 2019