Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through March 31, 2025. Apply now.

Announcing the 2023 CDH Senior Thesis Prize Winner

30 May 2023

AnneMarie Caballero ’23 (Computer Science) was awarded this year’s prize for her project, “Gendered Topics: Boyhood and Girlhood in a Century of (Cotsen) Children’s Literature.”


Congratulations to AnneMarie Caballero ’23 (Computer Science), winner of this year’s CDH Senior Thesis Prize!

The award recognizes exceptional work that substantially engages with or contributes to the field of digital humanities. Students are nominated by their department.

AnneMarie’s project, “Gendered Topics: Boyhood and Girlhood in a Century of (Cotsen) Children’s Literature,” was advised by Karthik Narasimhan (Computer Science) and William Gleason (English).

AnneMarie recently presented her work at Princeton Research Day.

Check back over the summer to learn more about AnneMarie’s project as well as about outstanding DH research by other members of the Class of 2023.