Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through March 31, 2025. Apply now.

Info: Call for Summer Institute: DH for Hellenic Studies!

Applications for "Visualizing the Past: Mapping Athens’ Lost Neighborhood" are open through March 21, 2025. Apply now.

Introducing the Humanities Data Workshop Series

22 September 2021

The workshop series will explore what “data” means in the context of humanities scholarship and provide an introduction to key techniques and analytical considerations.

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Update 01/24: Sign up for the fourth workshop, Cleaning Humanities Data, to be held on February 2 at noon on Zoom. You need not have attended the earlier workshops to join this one!

We are pleased to announce a new series of events: the Humanities Data Workshop Series!

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The workshop series will explore what “data” means in the context of humanities scholarship and provide an introduction to key techniques and analytical considerations for data-curious faculty, early-career researchers, graduate students, and library staff.

Over the course of six workshops, participants will learn about the animating methods and questions that go into finding, structuring, cleaning, and preserving data in humanities contexts. Sessions will use case studies from a range of disciplines, and will pay particular attention to the interpretative and ethical decisions involved in creating datasets from objects of humanities research.

The series is a joint venture of the CDH and Princeton Research Data Service. On the CDH side, the series is organized by Perkins Postdoctoral Fellow Sierra Eckert.

Details and Zoom registration for the first two events, on October 6 and November 3, are already available (see the calendar below). Information for future workshops will be added to our events page in the coming weeks. All events start at noon (Eastern time).

Fall 2021 Schedule

Spring 2022 Schedule

  • February 2: Cleaning Data (learn more and sign up)
  • March 2: Preserving Data
  • April 6: Capstone on Ethical Considerations in Working with Humanities Data

Carousel photo: Markus Spiske on Unsplash