Registration Is Here: Browse Our Curated Course List!
25 November 2020
The list includes course offerings that deal with topics at the intersection of technology and culture, provide hands-on computational instruction, and/or give students the opportunity to consider the value of digital humanities methods.

The following are Spring 2021 course offerings that deal with topics at the intersection of technology and culture, provide hands-on computational instruction, and/or give students the opportunity to consider the value of digital humanities methods. Courses marked with * are graduate courses, and require permission for undergraduate enrollment.
African American Studies
- AAS 301 / SOC 367: Black to the Future: Science, Fiction, and Society
- Ruha Benjamin
- AAS 302 / SOC 303 / ANT 378 / GHP 302: Political Bodies: The Social Anatomy of Power & Difference
- Ruha Benjamin
- AAS 313 / HIS 213 / LAS 377: Modern Caribbean History
- Reena Goldthree
- AAS 359 / ENG 366: African American Literature: Harlem Renaissance to Present
- Kinohi Nishikawa
American Studies
- ARC 205 / URB 205 / LAS 225 / ENV 205: Interdisciplinary Design Studio
- Elisa Silva
- *ARC 546 / URB 546: Technology and the City: The architectural implications of networked urban landscape
- Andrew Laing
- *ARC 523: New Forms of Knowledge in the Digital Age
- Erin Besler
- *ARC 578: Utopias: Utopias, Dystopias, Technotopias, and Heterotopias in Architecture and Urbanism
- Anthony Vidler
Art and Archaeology
Comparative Literature
- COM 450 / HUM 452 / TRA 450: Global Publishing: Translation, Media, Migration
- Sandra Bermann
- *COM 535 / ENG 534 / FRE 535: Contemporary Critical Theories: Writing, Technology, Humanity: The Work of Bernard Stiegler
- Benjamin Conisbee Baer
Computer Science
- COS 126 / EGR 126: Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Adam Finkelstein, Alan Kaplan, Jérémie Lumbroso, Soohyun Nam Liao
- COS 226: Algorithms and Data Structures
- Maia Ginsburg, Dan Leyzberg, Kevin Wayne
- COS 324: Introduction to Machine Learning
- Tom Griffiths and Elad Hazan
- COS 424 / SML 302: Fundamentals of Machine Learning
- Barbara Engelhardt
- COS 448 / EGR 448: Innovating Across Technology, Business, and Marketplaces
- Robert Fish and Jaswinder P. Singh
- COS 484: Natural Language Processing
- Danqi Chen and Karthik Narasimhan
Computer Science (Independent Work Seminars)
- COS IW01: Seminar in Programming Language Design
- David Walker
- COS IW03: Tech Policy
- Mihir Kshirsagar
- COS IW06: Digital Humanities
- Brian Kernighan
- COS IW07: Computer Vision for Social Good
- Olga Russakovsky
- COS IW08: Fairness of Visual Recognition
- Olga Russakovsky
East Asian Studies
- EAS 232: Introduction to Chinese Literature
- Anna Shields
- EGR 277 / SOC 277 / HIS 277: Technology and Society
- David Reinecke
Electrical Engineering
- ELE 480 / NEU 480 / PSY 480: fMRI Decoding: Reading Minds Using Brain Scans
- Kenneth Norman and Peter Ramadge
Energy Studies
- ENE 202 / ARC 208 / EGR 208 / ENV 206: Designing Sustainable Systems: Understanding our Environment with the Internet of Things
- Forrest Meggers
- ENG 215: Introduction to Science Fiction
- Russ Leo
- ENG 256 / HUM 346: Introduction to Digital Humanities
- Sierra Eckert
- ENG 399: Multicultural London: The Literature of Migrants and Immigrants
- Esther Schor
- ENG 567: Special Studies in Modernism: Early/Modern Essayism
- Jeff Dolven
- *ENG 532 / ART 516 / COM 576 / HUM 572 /MOD 572: Introduction to Critical Theory: The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility
- Eduardo Cadava
- *ENG 583 / HUM 587: Literature, Data, and Interpretation
- Meredith Martin and Rebecca Munson
- FRE 384: France Through Its Archives: Media, Memory, History
- Renee Altergott and Katie Chenoweth
Freshman Seminars
- FRS 174: Drawing Data
- Tim Szetela
- FRS 112: Connection and Communication in the Digital Bazaar
- Swati Bhatt
- GER 324 / CHV 320 / COM 448: Topics in the History and Theory of the Media: Artificial Life
- Devin Fore
- HIS 250 / AFS 250: The Mother and Father Continent: A Global History of Africa
- Chambi Chachage and Emmanuel Kreike
- HIS 295: Making America: Technology and History in the United States
- Emily Thompson
- HIS 431 / AMS 432: Archiving the American West
- Martha Sandweiss
- HIS 490: The Attention Economy: Historical Perspectives
- D. Graham Burnett
History of Science
- *HOS 599 / HIS 599: Special Topics in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine: Experiments in Early Science
- Jennifer Rampling
Humanistic Studies
- HUM 331 / HIS 336: A History of Words: Technologies of Communication from Cuneiform to Coding
- Melissa Buckner Reynolds
- JRN 448 / AAS 448: The Media and Social Issues: Reporting on Policing, Race, and Inequality
- Kimbriell Kelly
Latin American Studies
- MUS 316: Computer and Electronic Music Composition
- Daniel Trueman
- *MUS 528: Seminar in Musicology: Digital Culture; Early Modern Women and Song
- Wendy Heller
Near Eastern Studies
- NES 392 / HIS 338 / HLS 391: Clash of Civilizations?
- Skyler Anderson and Peter Kitlas
- NEU 395: Topics in Scientific Data Exploration
- Samuel Wang
- PHI 350 / CHV 356: Ethics of Emerging Technologies
- Johann Frick and Michal Masny
- SOC 306 / SML 306: Machine Learning with Social Data: Opportunities and Challenges
- Brandon Stewart
- SOC 414 / COS 415: Can We Build Anti-Racist Technologies?
- Janet Vertesi
Translation and Intercultural Communication
- TRA 301 / COS 401 / LIN 304: Introduction to Machine Translation
- Srinivas Bangalore