Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through March 31, 2025. Apply now.

South Asia DH Working Group

Building a DH community in South Asian Studies at Princeton


The South Asia DH Working Group brings together scholars and practitioners interested in exploring digital humanities tools and methods for South Asian Studies. We promote conversation between the South Asia community at Princeton and a wider network of South Asia-focused DH scholars. We also encourage individual and collaborative DH projects by students, faculty and staff at Princeton in collaboration with CDH. We welcome all members of the Princeton community to attend our workshops and special events throughout the year.

The theme of our programming for the AY 2020-2021 is “from analog to digital.” Each event will consider how we may reimagine or reframe traditional research questions into DH questions. Our events bring together a diverse and inter-disciplinary group of South Asia researchers interested in exploring the possibilities and challenges of DH for scholarship on South Asia. We invite DH scholars from various institutions to present their projects and converse with the group about their research interests, tools, and methods. Going forward, we will also organize smaller workshops aimed at introducing the Princeton South Asia community to specific DH tools for ongoing and future research projects.

Our next event will be held on November 12th and will be a workshop on mapping and data visualization with former CDH fellow Meher Ali (Graduate Student, History Department) and Tsering Wangyal Shawa (GIS and Map Librarian, PUL). Please subscribe to our list by sending an email to SOUTHASIA-DH-request@PRINCETON.EDU to stay updated about our future programming.


