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Princeton LLM Forum

Interdisciplinary conversations about the impact of LMMs on culture and society


The Princeton LLM Forum ran during the 2023-24 academic year and fostered broad-reaching conversations about the implications of large language models (LLMs) on our understanding of language, society, culture, and theory of mind. Leading scholars from a range of disciplines and backgrounds, from literature to politics to data science, were invited to speak on the following topics:

  • Society: Meredith Whittaker (President of Signal) and respondent Arvind Narayanan (Computer Science; Center for Information Technology Policy)
  • Culture: Wai Chee Dimock (American Studies and English, Yale University) and respondent Meredith Martin (English; Center for Digital Humanities)
  • Models: Simon DeDeo (Cognitive Science, Carnegie Mellon University) and respondent Arthur Spirling (Politics)
  • Understanding: Tal Linzen (Associate Professor of Linguistics and Data Science, New York University) and respondent Tania Lombrozo (Psychology; Program in Cognitive Science)
  • Cultural Analytics: David Bamman (School of Information, UC Berkeley)

A related reading group was co-led by Princeton graduate students on AI and Labor, Literature, Industry, and Understanding.

The LLM forum was co-organized with the Department of Computer Science and supported by the Humanities Council.

Grants, 2023–2024

Magic Grant, Humanities Council

Related events

Watch lecture recording by clicking the event below.

LLM Forum: Meredith Whittaker with Arvind Narayanan (topic: society)

Oct 25 4:30PM–6:00PM
Arvind Narayanan
Meredith Whittaker
LLM Forum
LLM_Society_Meredith Whittaker

LLM Forum: Wai Chee Dimock with Meredith Martin (topic: culture)

Nov 8 4:30PM–6:00PM
Wai Chee Dimock
Meredith Martin
LLM Forum
LLM_Culture_Wai Chee Dimock 2

LLM Forum: Simon DeDeo with Arthur Spirling (topic: models)

Feb 21 4:30PM–6:00PM
Simon DeDeo
Arthur Spirling
LLM Forum
LLM_Models_Simon Dedeo 5

LLM Forum: Tal Linzen with Tania Lombrozo (topic: understanding)

Apr 17 4:30PM–6:00PM
Tal Linzen
Tania Lombrozo
LLM Forum
LLM_Understanding_Tal Linzen 4

LLM Reading Group: AI & Labor

Jan 24 12:30PM–1:30PM
Reading Group

LLM Reading Group: AI & Literature

Feb 28 12:30PM–1:30PM
Reading Group

LLM Reading Group: AI & Industry

Mar 27 12:30PM–1:30PM
Reading Group
Reading Group