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African Languages in the Age of AI (AAA) Speaker Series

Bringing leading scholars to Princeton to discuss the opportunities and challenges for developing technologies that empower African languages


While generative AI promises to transform nearly all sectors of society, a global perspective reveals a highly uneven playing field. Who stands to benefit from AI advances, and at what cost?

The African Languages in the Age of AI speaker series will bring leaders in the field of African language technology to Princeton to discuss the opportunities, challenges, and risks facing scholars and communities involved in efforts to create data, models and software for African languages. At the same time that these technologies can empower African communities and enhance understanding across cultures, how do we mitigate against the negative impacts on African society, culture, and the environment?

All events will take place at Princeton and will also be available via livestream and recording

Fall 2024 events

African Languages in the Age of AI
Prof Vukosi

End-to-End African Language Technology

Oct 24 4:30PM–6:00PM
Ernest Mwebaze
African Languages in the Age of AI
Ernest Hi-Res
African Languages in the Age of AI

Series co-sponsors and supporters include


Related research groups

Infrastructure for African Languages

Increasing representation of African languages in NLP, LLMs, and AI

Infrastructure for African Languages