Check Out Our Curated Spring ’25 Course List
11 November 2024
Get registration inspiration from our twice yearly list of Princeton courses on media studies, technology, data and culture, and more.

Note: Graduate-level courses are bolded.
African American Studies
- AAS 314 / COM 398 / AFS 321: Healing and Justice: The Virgin Mary in African Literature and Art (Wendy Laura Belcher)
African Studies
- AFS 331 / ART 314: African Technologies and Technofutures (Colin E. Bos)
American Studies
- AMS 237 / VIS 237: American Representations in Film and Theater (Bent-Jorgen Perlmutt)
- ANT 239: Science and Other Ways of Knowing (Damien Droney)
- ANT 313 / HUM 303: Language, Disability, and Science (Timothy Y. Loh)
- ANT 354 / HUM 373: Digital Anthropology: Methods for Exploring Virtual Worlds (Akil F. Fletcher)
- ANT 392 / STC 456: Techniques of Visual Ethnography (Jeffrey D. Himpele)
- ANT 424: Anthropology of Media Forms and Practices (Ikaika Ramones)
- ARC 546 / URB 546: Technology and the City: The Architectural Implications of Networked Urban Landscape (Andrew Laing)
- ARC 596: Embodied Computation (V. Mitch McEwen)
Art and Archaeology
- ART 393 / AMS 392 / JRN 393: Getting the Picture: Photojournalism in the U.S. from the Printed Page to AI (Katherine A. Bussard)
- ART 434 / ECS 433: The Modern Art of Spectacle (AnnMarie Perl)
Computer Science
- COS 126 / EGR 126: Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Adam Finkelstein, Donna S. Gabai, and Alan Kaplan)
- COS 217: Introduction to Programming Systems (Xiaoyan Li and Christopher M. Moretti)
- COS 226: Algorithms and Data Structures (Pedro Paredes and Kevin Wayne)
- COS 324: Introduction to Machine Learning (Ruth C. Fong and Lydia T. Liu)
- COS 333: Advanced Programming Techniques (Robert M. Dondero)
- COS 484: Natural Language Processing (Danqi Chen, Tri Dao, and Vikram Ramaswamy)
- COS 485: Neural Networks: Theory and Applications (H. Sebastian Seung)
- COS 510: Programming Languages (David P. Walker)
- COS 526 / ECE 576: Neural Rendering (Felix Heide)
- COS 529: Advanced Computer Vision (Jia Deng)
- COS 568: Systems and Machine Learning (Kai Li)
- COS 583 / ECE 538: Great Moments in Computing (Margaret R. Martonosi)
- COS 598B: Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Machine Behavior
Computational and Data Humanities
- CDH 507 / HUM 507: Data in the Humanities (Jeri Wieringa)
East Asian Studies
- EAS 262 / COM 262: How Does It Move? Action and Moving Image in Modern Japanese Media (Junko Yamazaki)
- EAS 370: Brainwashing, Conversion and Other Technologies of Belief Contagion (Steven Chung)
- EAS 558 / MOD 558: Proseminar on Japanese Film and Media Studies (Junko Yamazaki)
- EGR 277 / SOC 277 / HIS 277: Technology and Society (Mihir E. Kshirsagar)
Environmental Studies
- ENV 236 / JRN 236 / AMS 236: The Climate Story Studio (Allison Carruth)
- FRE 536 / HUM 510 / MOD 512 / ART 592: What Photography Can Do (Christy N. Wampole)
- FRE 537 / COM 508: Punishing & Publishing the Author. Authorship, Individual Sin, and the Media, from Auctor to Auteur (Julien R. Stout)
Freshman Seminars
- FRS 142: Speculative Fiction: from Pygmalion to ChatGPT (Mary K. Naydan)
- FRS 174: Drawing Data (Tom Szetela)
Gender and Sexuality Studies
- GSS 324 / AMS 302: Science After Feminism (Catherine Clune-Taylor)
- GER 302 / HUM 301: Topics in Critical Theory: Attention as a Technology of the Self (Johannes Wankhammer)
- HIS 278: Digital, Spatial, Visual, and Oral Histories (Emmanuel H. Kreike)
- HIS 288: Attention and Modernity: Mind, Media and the Senses, 1500–2050 (D. Graham Burnett)
- HIS 387 / ENG 389 / CDH 387: Data and Culture (Matthew L. Jones and Meredith A. Martin)
- JRN 260: The Media in America: What to Read and Believe in the Digital Age (Joe Stephens)
- MUS 316: Computer and Electronic Music Composition (Tyondai A. Braxton)
- MUS 317: Live Electronic Music Performance: Music and the Body (Jeffrey O. Snyder)
- MUS 545: Contexts of Composition: Algorithms and AI in Composition (Dmitri Tymoczko)
Near Eastern Studies
- NES 317 / HIS 312 / HUM 314 / CDH 317: Text and Technology: from Handwritten to Digital Formats (Christine M. Roughan)
- NES 508: The Cairo Geniza Documents (Eve Krakowski)
- POL 572: Quantitative Analysis I (Zeyang Yu)
- POL 573 / SOC 595: Quantitative Analysis II (Rocío Titiunik)
- POL 574: Quantitative Analysis IV (Arthur Spirling)
Princeton Writing Program
- WRI 131: Your Life in Numbers (Daniel Choi)
- WRI 132: Your Life in Numbers (Daniel Choi)
- WRI 139: How to Raise a Machine (Allen Durgin)
- WRI 140: How to Raise a Machine (Allen Durgin)
- WRI 177: Technogenesis (Marina Fedosik)
- WRI 178: Technogenesis (Marina Fedosik)
- WRI 503: Writing an Effective Science Research Article (Half Term): Sci and Engineering (Itamar Jalon)
- WRI 503A: Writing an Effective Science Research Article (Half Term): Sci and Engineering (Milos Nikolic)
- PSY 333 / CHV 300 / CGS 333: Unlocking the Science of Human Nature (Molly J. Crockett)
- PSY 409: Cyborg Psychology (Justin A. Junge)
Public and International Affairs
- SPI 200: Statistics for Social Science (Rocío Titiunik)
- SPI 334 / SOC 319: Media and Public Policy (Paul E. Starr)
- SPI 412: Science for Policy and Policy for Science (Arvind Narayanan)
- SPI 585A: Topics in STEP: Societal Impacts of Data, Algorithms and AI (Aleksandra Korolova)
- SPI 585C: Topics in STEP: Leadership in Policymaking: AI and Climate Technology (Ali Nouri)
- SPI 586A: Topics in STEP: Machine Learning for Policy Analysis (Brandon M. Stewart)
- REL 255 / AAS 255 / HIS 255: Mapping American Religion (Nicole M. Turner)
Science and Technology Council
- STC 209B / EGR 209B / MUS 209B: Transformations in Engineering and the Arts (Adam Finkelstein, Penelope Georges, and Naomi E. Leonard)
- SOC 504: Advanced Social Statistics (Sam Trejo)
Statistics and Machine Learning
- SML 201: Introduction to Data Science (Derek E. Sollberger)
- SML 301: Data Intelligence: Modern Data Science Methods (Derek E. Sollberger)
- SML 312: Research Projects in Data Science (B) (Jonathan Hanke)
- SPA 441 / COM 468: ‘Don Quixote’ in Material and Virtual Worlds (Marina S. Brownlee)
Translation and Intercultural Communication
- TRA 301 / COS 401 / LIN 304: Introduction to Machine Translation (Srinivas Bangalore)
Visual Arts
- VIS 208: Graphic Design: Link (Laurel Schwulst)
- VIS 213: Digital Photography (James Welling)
- VIS 233 / AAS 233: Archives of Justice: Black, Queer, Immigrant Stories Unsilenced (Medhin Paolos)