Check Out Our Curated Fall 2024 Course List (Undergrad Edition)!
24 April 2024
Get inspired by our twice yearly list of Princeton courses on media studies, technology, data and culture, and more.

Get inspired by our twice yearly list of Princeton courses on media studies, technology, data and culture, and more.
ANT 252: Visible/Invisible Worlds: Anthropology in Film and Data (Jeffrey D. Himpele)
ANT 437 / AAS 437: Gaming Blackness: The Anthropology of Video Games and Race (Akil F. Fletcher)
Computer Science
COS 109 / EGR 109: Computers in Our World (Brian W. Kernighan)
COS 126 / EGR 126: Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Ruth C. Fong, Alan Kaplan, Kevin Wayne)
COS 324: Introduction to Machine Learning (Sebastian Caldas, Jia Deng, Adji Bousso Dieng)
COS 350: Ethics of Computing (Aleksandra Korolova)
COS 429: Computer Vision (Vikram Ramaswamy)
COS 436: Human-Computer Interaction (Andrés Monroy-Hernández)
East Asian Studies
EAS 333: Poetry in Chinese Film and Media (Xiaoyu Xia)
ECO 326: Economics of the Internet and Artificial Intelligence: The Digital Revolution (Swati Bhatt)
EGR 361 / ENT 361 / URB 361 / AAS 348: The Reclamation Studio: Humanistic Design applied to Systemic Bias (Majora J. Carter)
EGR 383 / ENT 383: Design Research and Humanistic Innovation (ken anderson)
ENG 275 / AMS 275: American Television (William A. Gleason)
FRE 380 / ECS 387: Technophobia (Christy N. Wampole)
HIS 298: Information Revolutions (Matthew L. Jones)
HIS 390: Formations of Knowledge: Historical Approaches to Science, Technology, and Medicine (Katja Guenther)
HIS 425: The History of Political Propaganda from the French Revolution (Igor Khristoforov)
Humanistic Studies
HUM 346 / ENG 256 / CDH 346: Introduction to Digital Humanities (Wouter Haverals)
LIN 201 / CGS 205: Introduction to Language and Linguistics (Christiane D. Fellbaum)
MUS 314 / COS 314: Computer and Electronic Music through Programming, Performance, and Composition (Jeffrey O. Snyder)
POL 345 / SOC 305 / SPI 211: Introduction to Quantitative Social Science (Zeyang Yu)
POL 346: Applied Quantitative Analysis (Arthur Spirling)
PSY 243 / CGS 243: Systems (Asif A. Ghazanfar)
Public & International Affairs
SPI 352 / COS 352: Artificial Intelligence, Law, & Public Policy (Peter Henderson)
SPI 353 / MAE 353: Science and Global Security: From Nuclear Weapons to Cyberwarfare and Artificial Intelligence (Sebastian Philippe)
SPI 365: Tech/Ethics (Steven A. Kelts)
Science and Technology Council
STC 349 / ENV 349 / JRN 349: Writing about Science (Michael D. Lemonick)
SOC 301: Statistical Methods in Sociology (Krisopher Velasco)
Statistics and Machine Learning
SML 201: Introduction to Data Science
SML 310: Research Projects in Data Science (A)
SML 310: Research Projects in Data Science (B) (Jonathan Hanke)
SML 354 / PHI 354: Artificial Intelligence: A Hands-on Introduction from Basics to ChatGPT (Sarah-Jane Leslie)
Urban Studies
URB 385 / SOC 385 / HUM 385 / ARC 385: Mapping Gentrification (Aaron P. Shkuda)