Graduate Training Grants
Funding to attend external institutes and workshops

On this page
The CDH supports Princeton graduate students who would like to expand their knowledge of data-driven and computational approaches to the humanities by taking advantage of courses, workshops, summer schools, institutes or other training opportunities offered outside of Princeton. Recipients should learn new technical or methodological skills, receive professional development training, and/or make connections in the digital and computational humanities communities.
Award details
Training Grants may be used to cover the costs of tuition, registration, travel, or lodging, up to $1,000. Applicants must also apply for any fellowships and bursaries offered by the host organization. Preference will be given to first-time applicants and there is a limit to one grant per year per applicant.
Example training opportunities
- Digital Resources and Methods (DREAM), University of Pennsylvania
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI)
- Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School, UK
To apply
Application deadline is rolling. Training must take place within six months of the application date. Applications must be submitted a minimum of one month before the event for which the funding is requested. You may expect a decision within four weeks of the deadline. Applicants must be enrolled Princeton University students at the time the training takes place. Payments are administered through SAFE.
In no more that 750 words, applicants should:
- provide information about the course or event they plan to attend
- state what they intend to gain from the experience
- indicate its relevance to their course of study or professional plans
- demonstrate that they cannot receive similar training at Princeton
- include details on the data students plan to use at the workshop, if applicable
- append a budget showing the anticipated costs and indicate other funds received and other sources applied to
Applications should be sent as PDF attachments to