Douglass Day Transcribe-A-Thon

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A-6-F Firestone Library
A-6-F Firestone Library



Douglass Day is an annual program that marks the birth of Frederick Douglass and strives to create new & freely available resources for learning about Black history during a Transcribe-a-thon. This year, we will focus on the papers of Mary Ann Shadd Cary, one of the earliest Black women to edit a newspaper, serve as a Civil War recruiter, and attend law school.

During this crowdsourced transcription event, we’ll use Zooniverse to access digitized files from Mary Ann Shadd Cary’s papers and create machine-readable transcriptions of her hand-written documents. The resulting datasets will allow her papers to be more discoverable and accessible by communities all over the world.

Stop in to help us transcribe anytime between
12 and 3 on February 14th
A-6-F Firestone Library

Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided.

Registration recommended.