Machine Learning + Humanities Working Group

Join the new Machine Learning + Humanities Working Group on Wednesday, February 23, for lunch discussion about the Newspaper Navigator: Reimagining Digitized Newspapers with Machine Learning by Ben Lee (University of Washington) event on 2/22. We will talk about themes and tools in Benjamin Lee's guest lecture, and explore the newspaper navigator.
Our informal conversation will be guided by Dan Friedman (COS) and Caterina Agostini (CDH).
The meeting will be held 12:30-1:30pm at CDH on B Floor of Firestone.
At this time, in-person capacity is limited to 20 people. Registration is required; please click here for in-person attendance and here for Zoom. Attendance (both in-person and remote) is limited to Princeton affiliates.
This event is part of the Machine Learning + Humanities Working Group Series. The Working Group is co-sponsored by the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning.