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Thinking Infrastructurally: What's In It for Humanities Scholars?

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Wallace Hall, 300
Wallace Hall, 300


  • Toma Tasovac

How can humanities scholars think infrastructurally? How would that effect the way we conduct and disseminate our research? Can we build research infrastructures without subscribing to the insidious master narratives of efficiency and progress? This talk will also touch upon the value of infrastructural thinking for the Slavic Studies field, citing examples from the Raskovnik Serbian dictionary platform and the transcription project.

Toma Tasovac ( DARIAH-EU and Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities ) will deliver the closing keynote for the Princeton Slavic Digital Humanities Working Group's 2019 Summer Workshop: Digital Humanities and Visual Resources: The Material and Digital Lives of Eastern European and Russian Artifacts

Toma Tasovac is Director of the Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities (BCDH) and Director of the pan-European Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH). His areas of interest include lexicography, data modeling, TEI, digital editions and research infrastructures.