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Reading Group Meeting

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Center for Digital Humanities
Firestone Library, Floor B


  • Ian Bogus
  • Heidi Nance

Data Visualization of our Collective Collections

Our partnership with ReCAP and the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation gives us access to collections that are vast, varied, and owned and managed by many universities and organizations. Join us to explore data visualization examples of our collective collections. After brief presentations, we will conduct an active learning activity to brainstorm how Princeton University Library can best use and represent the millions of items available for research. Heidi leads Resource Sharing Initiatives for the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation and Ian leads ReCAP, a consortium that includes Princeton, Harvard, Columbia, and NY Public Library. They will share Tableau visualizations and discuss ideas for developing intuition to navigate the complex landscape of library resources today. This session assumes no prior knowledge about consortial agreements.

Please RSVP.