Reading Group: Meeting 8

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Center for Digital Humanities
Firestone Library, Floor B



Wed April 3 - Services: Who makes Collections as Data work?

In this meeting, we turn our attention to the people, roles and skills needed to make data-driven work on our collections possible. Please look again at the Collections as Data: 50 Things You can Do document.

We will discuss:

  • Where do researchers currently go to interact with PUL collections as data?
  • What services, roles and workflows does PUL currently have in place to make our collections available and useable as data? What new services, roles and workflows do we need?
  • What new skills or training would be needed to support the research use of collections as data? Who would provide that support?
Lunch will be availalbe
Drop-ins welcome! No need to RSVP. More information about the topics we’ve discussed this year can be found on the CDH’s Reading Group page.