Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

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Applications for "Visualizing the Past: Mapping Athens’ Lost Neighborhood" are open through March 21, 2025. Apply now.

The Just Data Lab

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Center for Digital Humanities
Firestone Library, Floor B



The Just Data Lab: Reimagining and Retooling Data for Justice workshop is organized into three panels, each focusing on a different social arena - housing, policing, and education - that draw on data from the Eviction Lab, Mapping Police Violence, and the Baltimore Equity Toolkit and Powermapping, respectively .

For each module, presenters will share a short presentation related to the theme (including a brief introduction of the data, discussion of existing literature, and a hands-on activity idea). Then respondents will kick off the workshop discussion by raising questions and reflecting on how the material can be used in classrooms and communities, including a new Princeton University class, and the syllabus, modules, and other resources will be available free online.

Organized by Ruha Benjamin, AfricanAmerican Studies and CDH Faculty Fellow.

This event is by-invitation only, but materials from the workshop will be made publicly available after the event. For information on the schedule and speakers see the Just Data Lab website:

Co-sponsored by the CDH, the Department of African American Studies and the University Center for Human Values