‘Lab’-Learning in the Humanities and Social Sciences

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McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning
Frist 330


  • Anne Cheng
  • Paul Muldoon
  • Rebecca Munson

This event is co-organized by the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning

What are the possibilities for lab-like research and learning in the Humanities and Social Sciences? Why might we choose to work in inter-generational and cross-professional teams, and what projects are best suited to this approach? What is the pedagogy of the lab, and what can we learn from our colleagues in professional fields, the Natural Sciences, and Engineering?

Panelists include

Anne Cheng, Professor of English and American Studies. Director, Program in American Studies.
Paul B. Muldoon, Howard G.B. Clark '21 University Professor in the Humanities. Professor of Creative Writing in the Lewis Center for the Arts. Director, Princeton Atelier.
Rebecca G. Munson, Project and Education Coordinator, Center for Digital Humanities