Intro to TEI

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Center for Digital Humanities
Firestone Library, Floor B


  • Clifford Wulfman

Text encoding is a kind of translation: it involves rendering transcriptions of documents (books, newspapers, magazines, manuscripts, engravings, and so on) into machine-readable form, so that they may be processed by computers in a variety of ways: displayed on screens, of course, but also queried for abstract content like people, places, dates and things. The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), a set of encoding guidelines developed by the humanities scholars, is a key technology in digital humanities, widely used by libraries, museums, publishers and individual scholars.

This session will provide a basic introduction to TEI. It introduces the principles of text encoding in XML, gives an overview of the TEI schema with examples and addresses schema customization, transformations and use scenarios.

About the Instructors:

Clifford Wulfman is a Digital Humanities Consultant at the Center for Digital Humanities. In addition to many years’ experience with text encoding, Cliff has published numerous articles on topics in the digital humanities and is co-author, with Robert Scholes, of Modernism in the Magazines: An Introduction.