The Visualizing the Virus Digital Project Website is Now Live!
19 July 2021
Visualizing the Virus, co-sponsored by the CDH, is an interdisciplinary digital project through which one can visualize and understand the Coronavirus pandemic from a variety of perspectives.

The Visualizing the Virus website is now live! Visit to access the content.
About the Project
Visualizing the Virus is an interdisciplinary digital project through which one can visualize and understand the Coronavirus pandemic from a variety of perspectives. It aims to center the inequalities the pandemic makes visible.
We are not only interested in the ways in which scientists, artists and people in their everyday lives have made the virus visible; but also the longstanding inequalities that the viruses make visible—be it of access to resources and healthcare, vaccine imperialism, xenophobia, gender inequalities, and so on.
This website is conceived as a reflective archive ‘in becoming’ as we continue to add new material to it over the next two years.
The project was founded and is led by Dr. Sria Chatterjee. It was made possible by a grant from DARIAH-EU and support from the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures, FHNW. The Center for Digital Humanities is a project partner, and CDH Associate Director Natalia Ermolaev is a member of the advisory board.
We are @making_vvisible on Twitter and Instagram, where we will be announcing new content every week. Please follow us and share our posts!
Fellowship Opportunity
The Visualizing the Virus project is offering two paid research fellowship opportunities for Princeton students (details available here)! Each Research Fellow will work for the project for six months, part-time (3-5 hours a week) and will receive $1500 for their work.
How to Apply: Email the following to: and (Subject Line: Research Curator Application):
- A statement of interest setting out relevant experience and interests (500 words)
- A CV (max 2 pages) which can include links to examples of your own contributions to ‘non-traditional’ academic platforms made over the past 1–2 years.
If you have any questions about the post, you can contact:
Send us your applications by July 28th, 2021. You will hear back from us by August 5th, 2021. The position will start on August 30th, 2021.
Faiza Masood is a Ph.D. student researching the application of Islamic law in Muslim-majority states. Her work on Visualizing the Virus is supported by a Princeton RISE fellowship.
Carousel Image: Visualizing the Virus homepage