Drinks, dinner, and discussion at the Ada Lovelace Day Grad Mixer

8 October 2019


The CDH, in partnership with the Graduate Student Government, invites you to join us for a special happy hour at Campus Club (Thursday, October 10 from 5-7pm).


The CDH, in partnership with the Graduate Student Government, invites you to join us for a special happy hour at Campus Club (Thursday, October 10 from 5-7pm). Over drinks and Nomad pizza, you'll have the chance to chat with CDH staff and meet fellow grads with an interest in Digital Humanities.

We're especially eager to encourage people to apply for our Graduate Fellows program, applications for which are due October 15th. Grad fellows spend a semester exploring a field of DH research or professional development, attending monthly cohort meetings and workshopping ideas with peers. No previous experience with DH or specific technical skills are required. Applicants must be enrolled students, from any department and at any stage of their graduate career, though please note that visiting students are not eligible. You'll find full details on the application process in the Call for Applications.

We offer many other types of support for graduate student research and are happy to schedule a consultation to advise on your projects. Consider starting with an informal meeting on Thursday to toasting Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer.