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Workshop: Best Practices in Data Management

9 April 2015

data management

Thursday April 16, 2015, 4:00 - 5:00pm CDH, 1-N-10 Green Hall

Have you ever tried to open a data file from years ago only to find that you don’t have the right software, can’t understand it, or even worse, don’t know where you put the file? More and more digital data are being created and used in the course of research, yet often little thought is given to managing this data for collaboration, future use, or preservation. In addition, many funders require data management plans be submitted with grant applications, and both funders and journals are calling for shared or publicly accessible data. Building best practices in to your workflow can help your data be findable and usable in the future. About the instructor: Willow Dressel is the E-Science and Plasma Physics Librarian and has been providing reference, instruction, and outreach services for Princeton University Libraries for over six years. She is currently involved in developing library services related to research data management.