Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through March 31, 2025. Apply now.

Info: Call for Summer Institute: DH for Hellenic Studies!

Applications for "Visualizing the Past: Mapping Athens’ Lost Neighborhood" are open through March 21, 2025. Apply now.

Speaker Series Announcement: Adeline Koh

15 November 2013

The Digital Humanities Initiative Presents: Adeline Koh

The Digital Humanities Initiative Presents: Adeline Koh

Postcolonial Digital Humanities: Concepts and Challenges

Thursday, November 21 - 4:30pm, McCormick 106
Reception to Follow

Adeline Koh

Adeline Koh is Director of DH@Stockton and and assistant professor of literature at Richard Stockton College. Her work spans the intersections between postcolonial studies and the digital humanities, 19th/20th Century British and Anglophone Literature and Southeast Asian and African studies, and games in higher education. Koh directs Digitizing 'Chinese Englishmen,' a digital archival project on 19th century 'Asian Victorians' in Southeast Asia, and The Stockton Postcolonial Studies Project , an online magazine of postcolonial studies. She is the designer of Trading Races, an elaborate historical role playing game designed to teach race consciousness in the undergraduate classroom, and runs the postcolonial digital humanities website and tumblr blog with Roopika Risam. She is also a core contributor to the Profhacker Column at the Chronicle of Higher Education. She has held a Duke University Humanities Writ Large Fellowship and a postdoctoral fellowship at the National University of Singapore.