Reminder: DigHum Summer Course Stipend Deadline

5 March 2013

A reminder that the deadline to apply for the Digital Humanities Course Development Summer Stipend is fast approaching. Proposals due March 15, 2013.

A reminder that the deadline to apply for the Digital Humanities Course Development Summer Stipend is fast approaching. Proposals due March 15, 2013.

Digital Humanities Course Development Summer Stipend

The Digital Humanities Initiative at Princeton University invites applications for a summer stipend in the amount of $4500.00 dedicated to course development with a clearly defined Digital Humanities component for the 2013-2014 academic year, subject to the approval of the department and the Dean of the College. Proposals may be submitted by individual faculty members, by program directors, or by department chairs, but all proposals should come forward with the imprimatur and support of the department or program. This initiative seeks to open new avenues for engagement with technology for teaching in Humanities disciplines. Proposals should reflect a critical engagement with the emerging concepts and technologies inherent in the digital humanities. Some of these include the following:

  • Text Encoding
    • Manuscript transcription and analysis
  • Knowledge modeling and data visualization
    • Spatial analysis / GIS Visualization of text analysis
  • Working with corpora and cultural data sets
    • Stylistic and authorship analysis
    • Distant reading
    • Linguistic analysis
  • Computers and Writing
    • Hypertext
    • Critical code studies
  • Computers and the Arts
    • Analysis of audio or visual arts
    • Interactive exhibits

We encourage active collaboration with OIT and/or the Library during the summer in the development of the course. Preference will be given to courses that are co-taught, collaborative, and interdisciplinary. These funds will be made available to the successful applicant at the start of the summer and may not be used for hardware/equipment or for travel. A one-page proposal outlining the anticipated goals of the course should be submitted via e-mail to the Digital Humanities Advisory Committee at by March 15th, 2013.

Proposals should specify the faculty members who will be teaching the course developed during the stipend period. Questions regarding the suitability of a particular proposal should be directed to Meredith Martin, Questions about existing IT support and facilities in support of teaching can be directed to Ben Johnston of the Educational Technologies Center at