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Rolling into 2021 at the CDH

Before we move ahead, we're taking this moment to celebrate all that the CDH did accomplish in 2020, even as our staff and project management meetings moved to Zoom and we saw more of each others’ homes, pets, and family mem…

PEMM Illuminates East African Manuscripts, Digitally

Six months after the Center for Digital Humanities wrapped up our collaboration with the Princeton Ethiopian Miracles of Mary Project (PEMM)—or የፕሪንስተን የኢትዮጵያ ተዓምራተ ማርያም ፕሮጀክት, in Amharic—the PEMM team is hard at work buildi…

Revisiting the CDH Project Charter

CDH project management have evolved to meet new challenges, including a new research partnership chartered fully remotely and an experimental, genre-defying internal project.
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