Info: Call for Graduate Fellows!

Applications for the CDH Graduate Fellowship are open through October 21, 2024. Apply now.

Towards Multimodal, Multicultural, and Multilingual Understanding

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Friend Center 006, A Level
Friend Center 006, A Level


  • Graham Neubig

Please register to attend in-person. A recording will be sent to our mailing list after the event.

Graham Neubig is an associate professor at the Language Technologies Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on natural language processing, with a particular interest in fundamentals, applications, and understanding of large language models for tasks such as question answering, code generation, and multilingual applications. His final goal is that every person in the world should be able to communicate with each other, and with computers in their own language. He also contributes to making NLP research more accessible through open publishing of research papers, advanced NLP course materials and video lectures, and open-source software, all of which are available on his website.

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