CDH at DARIAH 2021

30 September 2021

CDH staff and affiliates presented a new search engine concept and shared their work in multilingual digital humanities.

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In September, Center for Digital Humanities staff and affiliates (virtually) joined DH colleagues in Europe at the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) Annual Event. This year’s theme? “Interfaces.”

User Experience Designer Gissoo Doroudian kicked off the CDH’s participation on Thursday, September 9 as a panelist on “Theoretical Reflections Around Interfaces.”

In her presentation, “Bona Fide, redesigning the search experience,” Doroudian introduced her idea for a new kind of search engine, which she calls Bona Fide. As Doroudian explained in a previous presentation, “current search engines work well when we have the language to form a question, but do not empower us to expand our language and broaden our knowledge beyond our disciplines to guide us to ask new questions. Bona Fide addresses this question by using the concept of entailment mesh by Gordon Pask, . . . a way of representing knowledge, where three or more unique, distinct words or phrases that can be used to describe a topic are put together.”

Watch Doroudian’s DARIAH presentation below, and read more about Bona Fide in an August blog post.

Later that day, CDH Associate Director Natalia Ermolaev joined Andrew Janco (Haverford College Libraries) and David Lassner (Technische Universität Berlin) to share their work as instructors at the New Languages for NLP: Building Linguistic Diversity in the Digital Humanities workshop series. At the workshops, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, researchers learn to develop natural language processing (NLP) tools in languages for which NLP tools are not widely available.

Participants in the workshop include researchers working in Kanbun, Quechua, Tigrinya, Yiddish, and more.

The series is a collaboration between the CDH, Haverford College, and DARIAH-EU. The first workshop, hosted virtually by the CDH, took place in June.

Check out the entire panel on “Multilingual DH as Interface” below.

For more videos from September’s DARIAH event, head to the conference’s YouTube playlist.

Carousel photo by Calvin Hanson on Unsplash